Multilane roads can be risky for drivers, especially beginners. For this reason, many drivers are set to see an experienced driving instructor and ask their assistance when practicing how to change lanes. The basic principle of changing lanes is similar to other turns or changes of direction, except that you aren’t going to stop or slow down during the procedure. You must maintain the same speed as the road lane you plan to move to.
Why Looking for Motorcycles When Changing Lanes is Necessary?
When changing lanes, you need to be mindful and extra careful. You might ask, “why should you always look for motorcycles when lane changing is? One major reason for this is to prevent you from getting into an accident and facing serious consequences such as damages and unwanted expenses. When entering the main thoroughfare or changing lanes, you must execute a visual check for motorcycles aside from using your mirrors. Motorcycles are obviously small, and this lets trucks easily tuck to blind spots of other vehicles. Motorcycles, despite their size, are also entitled to the same full lane as other vehicles.
Important Things to do When Changing Lanes
Aside from doing a visual check, there are other important things to do when lane changing. When changing lanes, you should be aware of what’s going on around you. Know what’s behind, alongside, ahead, and what is coming up near you or beside you.
If you decide to change lanes, make sure to scan ahead and see if there’s nothing that will make a lane change a bad idea
Do the standard 3-step routine-check the mirror, signal and then check your blind spot
Make a signal even if there’s no gap. The other drivers should know what you plan to do. Give them enough time to respond to your signal and make a gap
Continue scanning ahead and double-check your blind spot before changing lanes. If the gap turns out fine, merge decisively and smoothly. Gently drift across and do not swerve. Keep the speed with the flow of other vehicles on the new lanes. Re-check your mirrors
On arterial roads or expressways, roads can have more than two lanes directed towards a single direction. You must watch the other vehicles or motorcycles on the other lanes that are not trying to move to the gap you’re headed to. If changing lanes is needed to turn right or left or for other purposes, change lanes properly in advance for you to have more time to turn safely.
The main things to practice and to master in lane changing are choosing the gap to move to, not moving in case too close to a car behind you or in front of you and ensuring that you’ll check over the shoulder prior to moving to the lane.
Essential Road Rules to Remember When Changing Lanes
In terms of the law when it comes to changing lanes, you must adhere to the following when lane changing:
Change lanes only when it’s completely safe to do it
Direction signal is needed to give enough warning to other users of the road before changing lanes
Give way to other vehicles running on the other lane and in a similar direction
These are the essential road rules that you need to keep in mind for your protection and the protection of other drivers and road users.
Final Thoughts
Since one of the common causes of car or motorcycle accidents is changing lanes, it’s a must to always look for motorcycles when lane-changing. Based on statistics, around 33% of crashes happen because vehicles veer off or change lanes on the road. If you do a proper visual check before you change lanes, you can save yourself from an accident and the worst-case scenario.
But if an accident happens and you are injured on a motorcycle, talk to motorcycle accident law firms in St Louis MO who specialize in personal injury and motorcycle accident cases. This lawyer can help you handle your insurance claims and gain an optimal settlement even if the person at fault does not have full coverage on their motorcycle. A lawyer can even represent and support you in court if the situation calls for it. But if you want to avoid accidents and get a lawyer to help you with your situation, drive responsibly and safely. If you are a motorcycle driver, always looking for motorcycles when changing lanes is a good start.